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FOOLS is a lock picking club established to serve Bloomington Indiana and surrounding areas. We aim to provide a friendly environment for locksport enthusiasts to meet up and talk about our hobby. We are responsible adults with jobs and families. Locksport treats locks as puzzles to be solved (Or opened rather). There is nothing nefarious about our hobby, if you wish to learn more feel free to attend a meeting. Lastly, do not confuse us with the "Blooming Fools" aka the "Hash House Harriers". They are a drinking and running club, we are a drinking and picking club - |
We do not exist to further criminal efforts. We gladly share our hobby with newcomers however we will not show people how to engage in illegal conduct. Picking a padlock in the palm of your hand is very different from picking a door lock in a squatting position. Breaking and entering is a serious crime that we DO NOT participate in. Rules: Members found to be in violation of any Rules will be expelled without question. 1) Members shall only pick locks that they own or that they have permission to pick. 2) Members found to be performing acts of a criminal nature using the skills and tools of locksport will be expelled from the group and reported to the proper authorities. 3) Members found to be assisting others in acts of crime using the skills and tools of locksport will be expelled from the group and reported to the proper authorities. Guidelines: Guidelines exist to protect you and us from accidents, mistakes, and all around problems that could arrise from this hobby. Repeated violations are grounds for expulsion from the group. 1) Members shall conduct themselves responsibly and lawfully while engaged in the hobby. Showing off to strangers with the intent to make them afraid of you does not reflect well on you or FOOLS. When introducing newcomers and the general public to our hobby members should act in a respectful and responsible manor. 2) Members shall not perform for-profit locksmithing services while representing themselves as a FOOLS member. Additional Information: Obviously illegal use of the skills of locksport can not be allowed to take place or encouraged at meetings. Discussions of doing things of an illegal nature will be terminated. Anyone found to be secretly engaging in criminal activities elsewhere will be expelled from the group and reported to authorities. Picking a lock has the potential to damage the lock or cause other problems with the mechanism. While most of the time this does not happen, we are not trained locksmiths and do not have proper training to perform professional lock-opening services. It is fine to assist your friends, family, and neighbors when they are in a need of locksmithing services. However, FOOLS does not provide lock opening services to the public. We recommend that members that are requested to open locks for others refer the requestor to a professional locksmith. This is for your own protection as well as to protect FOOLS from receiving a bad reputation from potential accidents. |
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