The next Fraternal Order of LockSport meeting will be held on August 28, 2008 at 7pm.  Contact dosman for details on how to attend.
As school is starting we expect to see some new and curious faces at the upcoming meetings.  Make sure you bring enthusiasm and a hacker mindset and leave the criminal intent elsewhere.  We have a lot of side projects starting up, so even if you are unsure about locksport I urge you to come out for an evening of tech, security, and obscure reference material.
Once again, Barry Wels had some nice things to say about us on the Blackbag blog.  We didn't even have to bribe him!
We had some productive conversations today about upcoming contest preparations for notacon.  Suffice it to say that one will need more than just picking skills to get through this test.  We are planning for it to be fun and a challenge without consuming your entire con experience.  There may even be actual prizes!
With any luck, I will have be giving a talk on the research I'm in the middle of.  Even if that fails, I may talk about something else.  It could even be spoon-fu.
There was a problem with the curing process on the shirts we had at DEFCON.  Please contact us if you got a shirt there, we will send you a new one free of charge.  I apologize for that, we have been assured this won't be happening again.  The printers have been very cool up to this point and we see no reason that they will stop all of a sudden on this matter.